August 03, 2008

Drew needs all the help in Physics he can get.

Elixir of the Gods


The Betitas said...

looks like you had a good day!

Jared Westergard said...

You guys are too cute! I know we need to get together before we move, but I don't know when we are going to have the time we are so busy packing. We leave this Thursday SO soon! You guys need to come visit us we will have a extra room for you guys and Darcy!:) That would be SO fun!

Amy S said...

Ok Darcy is adorable. She and Emi will have fun playing together while us adults have game nights :)

Jamie said...

Ok we want in on the game night! The two girls will just have to deal with playing with our little Boston Boy!

Angie Page said...

Oh, she is such a cutie!